Interested in our cost-effective poultry processing solutions? Please fill in our contact form to receive more information.

Always specify your current and desired capacity and what kind of machine(s) you need (use the additional information/comments box) or we cannot send you an appropriate quotation!

    Sales & Marketing

    Area / PositionContactEmail addressTelephoneLanguages spoken
    Director – Europe, Asia Robert 622 390 535English, Deutsch, Français, Español, Nederlands
    Sales Director Middle-EastHenry 622 794 567English, Deutsch, Nederlands
    Sales Director America’sRutger +31 641 826 570English, Nederlands
    Mexico / Central AmericaFernando 442 639 4558Español
    Spanish, English
    Russia and former CISMax 495 685 9564Russian, English
    PhilippinesNelson Fuentes
    +63 917 709 4099
    +63 917 127 7307
    Tagalog, English, Nederlands
    South Africa info@dutch-poultry-tech.comEnglish
    Sales-supportsupportsupport@dutch-poultry-tech.comEnglish, Nederlands, Romanian
    OfficeEsther Voulon office@dutch-poultry-tech.comEnglish, Nederlands
    Media and MarketingLilly SeijffertMedia@dutch-poultry-tech.comEnglish, Nederlands


    Area / PositionContactEmail addressTelephoneLanguages spoken
    Finance English, Nederlands


    Area / PositionContactEmail addressTelephoneLanguages spoken
    Spares Nederlands, English, Deutsch
    Support Nederlands, English, Deutsch
    Head of Production / R&Dengineering@dutch-poultry-tech.comNederlands, English, Deutsch
    Production foremanproduction@dutch-poultry-tech.comNederlands, English, Deutsch

    Deliveries & incoming freight

    For questions about deliveries to our warehouse please call: +31 6 22 39 05 35

    Our warehouse is located at Pastoorslaan in Hillegom, The Netherlands.


    Please note that Dutch Poultry Technology and its subsidiaries do not accept unsolicited resumes or candidate proposals from recruiters or employment agencies.

    Come visit us!

    Our Dutch factory and warehouse is located in Hillegom, only 17 minutes from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.

    Contact: Robert Jan Seijffert

    Visits by appointment only. Our sales people are frequently travelling (out of office). We’re happy to receive guests, but strongly advise to make an appointment beforehand.

    Company Information

    Postal address:

    Dutch Poultry Tech B.V.
    Rijnlaan 113
    2105 XL  Heemstede
    The Netherlands
    CoC: 59174595
    VAT: NL853352045B01

    Visit address:

    Dutch Poultry Tech
    Pastoorslaan 22
    2182 BX Hillegom
    The Netherlands